Hi there! Welcome to my first EVER blog post. Seriously, even back when MySpace was a thing I don’t think I ever even came close to breaching 2 sentences worth of content…do I even start my entry with a “welcome”? And what’s the grammar/sentence structure protocol of blogging? Who knows, but I’m excited to join this space and share a little bit more of me, but more importantly I’m excited for the opportunity to highlight my client’s stories – not to mention it’ll be much more fun writing about them!
So here I am giving this blogging thing a go!
I’m a naturally curious person and really enjoy studying others (not in a creepy way, but you know, just to figure out their story…although, if I were to choose another career path I really think I could excel as a private investigator.) But, anyways all that to say I’ll begin with a few things about me…
My Why….
If someone were to ask me why I chose to do photography a couple years ago I think I would have easily rattled off many reasons…I love creating, I feel gifted and confident in this field, I really enjoy connecting with people and learning their stories, and I love being able to capture the moments in time that so, so quickly pass by. And all of these still ring true but this past year weighty words like legacy and heirloom have been on my heart. My grandma (Mimi as we all call her) has advanced Alzheimers and no longer recognizes who we are or is able to share any more of her story with us. And what a heartbreaking realization that’s been. After my last visit with her, my aunt brought out a box full of all these photos of Mimi from different phases of life and my mom, sisters and cousins all gathered ‘round and picked up and passed around these yellowing images of her life…her time in the Navy, time spent on the beaches of Hawaii, her at my age and as a young wife and mother, her beautiful garden….Heirlooms. Legacy. How precious these images are to her children and grandchildren who weren’t around for all these different pieces of her life. And the stories and legacy of this astounding woman will outlast her years on this earth. I know as her granddaughter, being able to see and hold an image of Mimi in her wedding dress long after she’s able to tell me about how nervous she was that day is nothing less than a gift. And I’m so grateful for the people behind the lenses at those times in her life building Heirlooms for my family to cherish today.
So, I am grateful for this position behind a lens and the opportunity and privilege it gives me to create beauty and share legacies.
molly ann photography ©2020 | site design by kaleigh turner creative