Just like almost all engaged couples walking into 2020, Lauren & Jared’s wedding plans took a turn with the Covid pandemic and they were faced with making tough decisions in a crazy time – especially with them both being frontline workers! But can I just say from the moment I reached out to discuss options and how they were doing during this time they’ve been nothing but positive and focused on the biggest thing that mattered to them – their marriage. They didn’t want to delay starting their lives as husband and wife, even if that looked different from how they’d originally planned. And I am so glad they didn’t wait! Lauren & Jared had the sweetest, most beautiful, intimate backyard wedding…and I am obsessed. And while they plan to do it all again later this fall with all their friends and family present, this was a such a sweet and special evening, void of all the typical wedding day distractions… just a sweet couple vowing to spend the rest of their lives together. Congrats Lauren & Jared, and thanks for allowing me to be a part!

Florals: The Budding Florist
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